Cell Styler
A Mendix widget for styling cells or rows a data grid. You can achieve highlighting on rows or columns of a datagrid like this:
See a demo of the cell styler in action here.
The cell styler widget requires a little bit of JavaScript knowledge to configure. Here's how it is done:
- Grid Name: grab the value of the Name property of your data grid and enter it here
- Rules: these are the styling rules. You will configure one or more here
- Column Name (optional): if you want to style a specific cell (
), grab the name of the cell's column and enter it here. If you'd prefer to apply a style to the whole row ( ), leave this blank - Class to Apply: enter the CSS class you'd like to apply to this row or column
- Rule JavaScript: a snippet of JavaScript that returns true when you want to apply the CSS class. You have 2 JS objects avilable to you when this function runs:
See below for examples.Example Configuration
Note: you must include the attributes you'll be comparing in your grid. You can do this and avoid displaying them by setting their column's width to 0% from the data grid properties window
Note2: The name you want is the name of the attribute on the entity, and not the grid column or caption names. Use this name:
Flag where the row's attribute Name is "Scooter"
return rowObj.get("Name") === "Scooter";
Flag where the row's boolean attribute IsReallyFast is true
return rowObj.get("IsReallyFast") === true;
Boolean attributes of true/false may display as "Yes"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tieniber/CellStyler/1.0.3/"No" in a grid. In your javascript code, you should match the true/false, not the "Yes"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tieniber/CellStyler/1.0.3/"No".
Flag where the row's attribute Name matches the context entity's attribute Name
return rowObj.get("Name") === contextObj.get("Name");
Flag where the row's attribute DateOfBirth is over 1 year from the current date
var now = new Date(); var oneYrAgo = new Date(); oneYrAgo.setYear(now.getFullYear() - 1); return rowObj.get("DateOfBirth") < oneYrAgo;
Flag where a row's associated object Store has an attribute Name that contains "Emporium"
var store = rowObj.getChildren("MyFirstModule.Pet_Store")[0]; return store.get("Name").includes("Emporium");
Future Development
This widget is a perfect use case for Nanoflows. As soon as they become runnable from a custom widget, they should be used here instead of JS.
Version: 1.0.3Framework Version: 7.10.0Release Notes: Allow for non-persistent entitiesVersion: 1.0.2Framework Version: 7.10.0Release Notes: Per Pim's note in issue #4, releasing the latest build.Version: 1.0.1Framework Version: 7.10.0Release Notes: Added a fix to remove styles when a rule no longer returns true.Version: 1.0.0Framework Version: 7.10.0Release Notes: First release!
- Column Name (optional): if you want to style a specific cell (